Pesronal and Professional Development

EURÓPA Institute is among the new generation consultancy institutes to which added value generated during the programmes as well as organisational increase in value are important.

Earnests of successOur human resources programmes incorporate the needs of all the employees of the organisation. We consider the development of the staff's attitude, skills and work place habits to be of high importance. We think that the presence of the right attitude is of high significance. We have found that no matter how smart or qualified an employee is, if his/her attitude does not suit the employer's needs, he/she can easily be a hindrance to successful operations.

As a result, during recruitment and selection we encourage employers that, when it is possible to select, they should prefer candidates with the right attitude to the already trained ones. It is easier to learn the necessary knowledge than change the attitude. We can provide efficient help with it using our psychology-based testing system.

Our surveys can include very many areas such as the establishment of staff members' personality type, and the establishment of personal characteristics that are important as regards work psychology. In addition, skill-type tests can also be applied, which can survey the level of the staff member's skills and the areas to be developed can also be established. Habit surveys can be approached from the time use habits. We certainly use motivation tests as well. Workshops, training seminars, (personal and group) coaching and tailor-made programmes can all be found among our development programmes.

Personal consultancy - CoachingTréningjeink felölelik a vállalati élet teljes területét. Folyamatosan fejlesztjük ezeket, így az évek során gyorsan változnak. Sőt, minden egyes programot a Partnereink igénye szerint alakítunk ki, így ezeket sehol másutt sem tudjuk újra felhasználni. Éppen ezért nem tartunk úgynevezett nyílt programokat, azaz nem hirdetünk meg előre programokat, amelyekre aztán jelentkezni lehet.

Úgy gondoljuk, hogy ezek a programok túlságosan általánosan kezelnek egy-egy problémát, mint ahogy a résztvevői összetétel is igen heterogén lehet. Másrészről ezek, megítélésünk szerint, "konzervek", azaz valamikor régen keletkeztek és nem követik a szakma legutóbbi eredményeit. Mi pedig sohasem "etetnénk" konzervet a résztvevőinkkel, Partnereinkkel.

Our Training Sessions

Performance Motivation Training

For motivated work and the expected results.

Customer Relationship Training

For more efficient and better sales results. To develop external relationships.

Efficiency Training

For better organisational results. To develop internal relationships.

Manager Development To develop management skills to a conscious level. to manage corporate processes.
Personality Development and Communication Training To maintain organisational and individual ability to learn.
Tailor-made Special Development To consolidate other results as soon as possible.

Other Training Sessions

e.g. development of corporate values, culture, protocol, public procurement, project management etc.

We find it outstandingly important to make organisations more conscious of workplace culture and strengthen devotion. We always look for common acceptable values in organisational culture that every staff member can accept. If such ones are found, the management can develop organisation-specific management methods based on them, which makes the organisation unique on the one hand, and considerably increases the staff's loyalty on the other hand. This will make the organisation unique, which will be felt in market success as well.


Fee based programmes completed

Only programmes completed are charged for.

Fee based on knowledge transferred

The basis of the fee is what the participants have learned, acquired.

Fee based on returns

Fee based on the profitability of our partners' investments.

We do think that the market success of a company is strongly determined by the staff's innovation and creativity. It is important how they handle emotions in external and internal communication. We also find it important that the existing knowledge, experience within an organisation should be made available to all employees in the organisation. As a result, we give priority treatment to these in the course of our programmes.